As we ambled through the various exhibits I was struck by two things. First, Zoo America reminded me of the close link, often overlooked, between museums and zoos/aquariums. Museums and zoos have similar missions: they seek to educate the public and to preserve their "collections." People often forget this fact, but it has potentially powerful implications. Whenever various experts talk about the state of museums in the United States today, they rarely include zoos in their analysis. Imagine if they did. We should also consider whether or not zoos and museums should work together more closely when attempting to secure funding and when lobbying the government for support.
Second, our visit to Zoo America reminded me once again of the importance of proofreading. I could bring up this point in relation to almost every museum, zoo or historic site I visit. I implore those in charge of creating signage to check and double-check what you have written! Don't let this happen to you:
Also, if you like animals, check out The Animal Review. The blog is amusing, informative and a complete delight. Enjoy!
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