Matt and I both agreed on a favorite between the two sites. Although I cannot speak for his opinions, I believe we both felt more connected to the Independence Hall than to the Liberty Bell. The building itself is beautiful. I particularly enjoyed the gorgeous woodwork. Although I cannot do justice to the building, here are some photos:
I had the sense of being somewhere important, in a location where something absolutely vital had occurred. Because I have previous knowledge of the process by which the Founding Fathers put together the U.S. Constitution, I found myself imagining what it must have been like. The image of the men locked in a room, roasting in the heat of a Philadelphia summer, became real to me in a way it previously had not been.
Unfortunately, the weakest part of our experience at Independence Hall was the guided tour led by an individual from the Park Service. The content of the tour was jumbled and did not present a nuanced version of the building's history. Matt and I both agreed that individuals without prior knowledge of American history would likely come away having learned very little.
The Liberty Bell Museum provided the opposite experience. I enjoyed the exhibits at the museum highlighting the history and importance of the Liberty Bell. Although the signage contained copious amounts of text I never felt overwhelmed or bored. The information provided a nuanced and fairly complete history of the Liberty Bell.
However, when it came time to stand in front of the Liberty Bell, this supposedly iconic piece of American history, I felt underwhelmed. I felt more attached to the Bell as a symbol of other things than as an object.
That said, the Bell has been perfectly situated in a circular glass room looking out at Independence Hall. I found the setting pretty enough to enhance my otherwise unremarkable experience of the Bell.
I am in no way saying that one should opt out of a visit to either Independence Hall or the Liberty Bell Museum. Please go! I would, however, recommend visiting during the winter so that you avoid the crowds of people that swarm over Independence Mall during the summer months. I would also suggest tempering your expectations. Not everyone will feel a deep connection to these sites, despite their cultural and historical significance.